The Daddy Dom Podcast Episode 3 - Touch
  Hi beautifuls. Today on the podcast, as most of my podcasts, I like to take small bites, small digestible bites that we can absorb. Don't like to get into the weeds too much about, you know, different type styles, things and all the different facets and whatnot. Just one simple bite at a time that we can hold on to and kind of think about throughout the day.
And make it our own. I always like talking about the dynamic between a daddy and his little. All those little important pieces that come together. And those important pieces include daily chats, staying in touch, being close when you're not close, great sex, the dynamic of a DS sexual relationship, mmm, always great.
But part of that, I think the most important part for me anyway, is the, is the importance of physical touch, being in the physical space. If all you're doing is sending messages or having phone calls and everything like that, it's great. It's wonderful. It's meaningful. It pulls at all your feels and it feels so good.
But what really brings that all together under one understanding is the physical presence between daddy and his little one. That simple touch for the little, it reinforces that safe place. It means that with that touch, everything that you've expressed. And the sex messages, and those phone calls, goodnight, and all those little bits and pieces throughout the day and throughout the week.
That physical presence in that physical space brings that all together. I'm home. This is where I should be. I'm with my daddy in that safe space, whether it's just a cuddle, the snuggle. A nose rub, holding hands glide across your cheek with my fingers, a simple forehead kiss. That touch of skin on skin is like welded steel.
It's like a mold that comes together that can't be broken. It just makes everything real and it's so important for your little one to have that safe protective space and that reassurance that you are mine. But to that, conversely to that, daddies like me also need that physical touch. That physical space, that affection from their little one, at least I do.
One of my favorite things is physical touch. Doesn't have to lead anywhere, doesn't have to go anywhere, it just has to be just that. Hand on my back, head on my shoulder, hand on my thigh, I love all of that. I want all of that. Daddy needs all of that. I had recorded a small affirmation audio on what touch means to me, how it makes me feel, and how it reinforces the bond between daddy and his little one for me.
And I hope it reinforces it for you too.
And this is just one small bite. That we can take away for today. That simple touch is so important.